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Saturday, December 7, 2013


Today's Word I Hate To Say is Snarky!

I will be honest; Snarky is a word I have been accused of being.  Most often I have heard my wife use this word to describe how other people talk.  I have always thought of this as a made up word, since MS Word does not recognize it (dreaded red lines), but when did MS Office become a know-all dictionary?

Merriam-Webster Dictionary - Snarky

snarky adjective \ˈsnär-kē\
Definition of SNARKY

1:  crotchety, snappish
2:  sarcastic, impertinent, or irreverent in tone or manner <snarky lyrics>
— snark·i·ly  adverb

Snarky is usually best described as a mean or hateful tone in someone's voice.  Those of you with teenaged daughters should understand perfectly.  So, my reason I hate this word is simply because the sound it makes rolling off the tongue... either that or it reminds me of Saturday morning cartoon underwater Smurf's knockoff the Snorks!

Again, just another word from the English language that grates on me.  I think we should all walk around telling everyone who is mean of speech that they are just Crotchety (see definition #1 above).  In the words of Sam from the Nickelodeon iCarly series...  "It's funny because it sound wrong!

Snarky. (n.d.). Retrieved December 5, 2013, from

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