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Friday, December 19, 2014


Today's Word I Hate To Say is Synergy!

: the increased effectiveness that results when two or more people or businesses work together

Full Definition of SYNERGY
:  synergismbroadly :  combined action or operation
:  a mutually advantageous conjunction or compatibility of distinct business participants or elements (as resources or efforts)
Examples of SYNERGY
  1. synergy has developed among the different groups working on this project.
  2. two companies that have found synergy
Origin of SYNERGY
New Latin synergia, from Greek synergos working together
First Known Use: 1660

Well, I am back.  Many changes in life, but there are still words that frustrate me.  Synergy is a great choice to get re-started on this blog.  

Working in the corporate world this word is thrown around carelessly and often.  To me is sounds like someone was talking and slurred two words together and everyone thought it sounded cool.  Maybe it was a blend of sympathy and energy - maybe it was simple and prodigy.  Who know's?  No matter the reason or combination, it is over used and highly annoying. 

Synergy. (n.d.). Retrieved December 19, 2014, from

Friday, March 7, 2014



So I sincerely apologize for my long break from posting the words I hate.  My life has become exceptionally busy as of late with my teaching at the college, my kids having 13th birthdays, my family life, and various other things that generally consume one's time and days.

So, with all that... I am back with my next Word I Hate To Say - Peasy, Peezy, or Peasey!

Macmillan Dictionary - Peasy
British English pronunciation: easy-peasy /ˌiːzi ˈpiːzi/ 
- extremely easy.
This word is used mainly by children or when speaking to children.

First, I wish to state for the record, that this is not even a legitimate word.  Unless you consider the Urban Dictionary credible, there is no such word as Peasy in the English language.  Because of this, I get tired of hearing it, tired of hearing kids say it, and get utterly irritated that kids are being taught this word in elementary school.  No wonder our educational systems are a disgrace... we teach kids fiction and nonsense like Evolution, safe-sex, and imaginary words!

Secondly, as if I need to provide more reason to gripe...  Adults wander around saying easy-peasy lemon squeezy as if that is an common everyday phrase.  IT IS NOT unless you are addressing a preschooler (then refer to point number one above) and isn't much easier just to say that something is easy or simple?

Grow up people!  Teach our young well and the world will be a better place!  Ugh!

Friday, January 17, 2014


Today's Word I Hate To Say is Onomatopoeia!

Merriam-Webster Dictionary - Onomatopoeia
on·o·mato·poe·ia noun \ˌä-nə-ˌmä-tə-ˈpē-ə, -ˌma-\
: the creation of words that imitate natural sounds

Full Definition of ONOMATOPOEIA
1:  the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it (as buzz, hiss)
2:  the use of words whose sound suggests the sense
— on·o·mato·poe·ic  or on·o·mato·po·et·ic  adjective
— on·o·mato·poe·i·cal·ly  or on·o·mato·po·et·i·cal·ly adverb

Buzz and hiss are examples of onomatopoeia.
The term hiccup is an example of onomatopoeia … —Fred Cicetti, Montague Reporter, 6 Mar. 2008

Late Latin, from Greek onomatopoiia, from onomat-, onoma name + poiein to make — more at poet

First Known Use: circa 1577

So today's Word I Hate To Say is that obnoxious word from late elementary school to early junior high... Onomatopoeia.  I remember thinking it was so fun to say and then all my classmates and I would walk around saying it.  In fact, I think this is where hip-hop and early rap began - a bunch of junior high students trying to find words that rhyme with Onomatopoeia!

As for why I can't stand the word is that is just has too many syllables - 6 if I counted correctly. It is a mouth-full of vowels and contestants jumbled together... it is like someone sneezed and that is what came out.  The word seems as cheesy as the old Batman and Robin shows of old during a fight scene...  "Pow" "Zap" "Kabaam!"

At the end of the day...  Onomatopoeia is just what it sounds like I guess!

Onomatopoeia. (n.d.). Retrieved January 17, 2014, from

Onomatopoeia. (image) (December 03, 2010). Teacher AlbertRetrieved January 17, 2014, from

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Today's Word I Hate To Say is Encumbered!

Merriam-Webster Dictionary - Encumbered
en·cum·ber transitive verb \in-ˈkəm-bər\
: to make (someone or something) hold or carry something heavy

: to cause problems or difficulties for (someone or something)

Full Definition of ENCUMBER
1:  weigh down, burden <tourists encumbered by heavy luggage>
2:  to impede or hamper the function or activity of :  hinder <negotiations encumbered by a lack of trust>
3:  to burden with a legal claim (as a mortgage) <encumber an estate>

Origin of ENCUMBER
Middle English encombren, from Anglo-French encumbrer, from en- + Middle French combre dam, weir
First Known Use: 14th century

Encumbered or Unencumbered... either way, I don't like it!  This word is irritating to me for only one reason that I can think of... it reminds me and sounds like cucumber.

First, let me say that I love a great pickle.  +Vlasic pickles, especially the Zesty variety are my favorite!  However, if you can find a place with a giant pickle jar filled with garlic pickles, you are golden!!

Sorry... I got lost in thought for a moment...  As I was saying, I dislike the word(s) Encumbered and Unencumbered because they remind me of a cucumber.  As much as I like pickles made from cucumbers, I very much dislike fresh cucumbers...  This may be the real reason the word is on my list!

Have a great day!

Encumber. (n.d.). Retrieved January 15, 2014, from

Ariail, R. (image) (October 16, 2010). Encumbered. Retrieved January 15, 2014, from

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


First I wanted to apologize for the lack of post this past few days.  As with everyone from time to time, the busyness was overwhelming and I simply ran out of time to post.  So without further ado...

Today's Word I Hate To Say is Wonky!

Merriam-Webster Dictionary - Wonky
won·ky adjective \ˈwäŋ-kē\

Definition of WONKY
1 British :  unsteady, shaky
2 chiefly British :  awry, wrong

Examples of WONKY
- a wonky bureaucrat in the State Department
- She enjoys reading about tax law and other wonky stuff.
- He has a wonky knee.

Origin of WONKY
-probably alteration of English dialect wankle, from Middle English wankel, from Old English wancol; akin to Old High German wankōn to totter — more at wench

First Known Use: 1918.

So, today's Word I Hate To Say is one of those words that just seems, to me, to be pointless to use.  Rather than just say "the bridge is unsteady" or "After getting up too quickly I felt shaky," people try to get fancy (Notice that the word is derived from an Old High German word) and use the word Wonky instead.

Now, I try not to pick on people groups too much, but wonky reminds me of honky and honky reminds me of honky-tonk... and ultimately a honky-tonk is attended by rednecks and hillbillies. How's that for six-degrees of separation?

And... who couldn't think of Mr. Willy when you hear the word Wonky? Yes, I know it is Wonka, but close enough to spur the thought!

Wonky is a great way to describe the use of the word Wonky.  It seems like someone who uses it has simply let their mouth go awry!  ;)

Wonky. (n.d.). Retrieved January 14, 2014, from

(image) (December 29, 2009).  Update: Wonky pt. 2 (don’t call it Wonky). Retrieved January 14, 2014, from

(image) (January, 2014). Retrieved July 7, 2015, from

Thursday, January 9, 2014


Today's Word I Hate To Say is Nth!

Merriam-Webster Dictionary - Nth
nth adjective \ˈen(t)th\
—used to refer to an unknown number in a series of numbers

Full Definition of NTH
1:  numbered with an unspecified or indefinitely large ordinal number <for the nth time>
2:  extreme, utmost <to the nth degree>

Examples of NTH
<exaggerates to the nth degree about everything she ever did>

Origin of NTH
n (indefinite number) + -th
First Known Use: 1827

Today's word is one that some question its validity of being a word in the English language.  Nth is considered a legitimate word, is available for use in Scrabble and other word games, yet does not meet the standards of a word.  It has no vowel, yet somehow it has meaning and a pronunciation.

So why does this word irritate me?  I really do not know.  It just doesn't roll of the tongue... it requires another word to bring clarity such as the infamous "Nth Degree."  Whatever the reason it rubs me wrong, I just wish people would quantify the number they mean rather than using an obscure reference such as Nth!

Nth. (n.d.). Retrieved January 9, 2014, from

The Nth Degree Club (image) (n.d.) Retrieved January 9, 2014, from

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Today's Word I Hate To Say is Supplant!

Merriam-Webster Dictionary - Supplant
sup·plant transitive verb \sə-ˈplant\
: to take the place of (someone or something that is old or no longer used or accepted)

Full Definition of SUPPLANT
1:  to supersede (another) especially by force or treachery
a (1) obsolete :  uproot (2) :  to eradicate and supply a substitute for <efforts to supplant the vernacular>
   b :  to take the place of and serve as a substitute for especially by reason of superior excellence    or power
— sup·plan·ta·tion  noun
— sup·plant·er  noun

Examples of SUPPLANT
<old traditions that were fading away and being supplanted by modern ways>

Origin of SUPPLANT
Middle English, from Anglo-French supplanter, from Latin supplantare to trip up, cause to stumble, from sub- + planta sole of the foot — more at place
First Known Use: 14th century

To supplant, to take by force, or to commit treachery.  The word supplant makes me feel like committing treachery when I hear it!  For some reason, the word seems like it should be pronounced as surplant... likely it is because I have heard others mispronounce it so often that is seems correct.

Unfortunately, in the world we live in today, there are many who have the drive and desire to supplant the old traditions, as well as the tried and true ways of doing things.  We see this the news, in politics, in the workplace, and even in our homes.  There is a loss in our culture of the value of roots and traditions.  Some would say traditions are "a thing of the past," others say they are "meant to be broken;" however, I say that traditions are an anchor that grounds us during the storms of life.  I believe without our roots and traditions, we will lose our identity both individually and as nations.

For those who wish to incur the wrath of time, feel free to supplant those in authority, those with wisdom, and the traditions of our past.  For those who wish to incur my wrath, simply use the word supplant.  ;)

Supplant. (n.d.). Retrieved January 8, 2014, from

Supplanter <image> (n.d.) Retrieved January 8, 2014, from

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Today's Word I Hate To Say is Buffet!

Merriam-Webster Dictionary - Buffet
buf·fet noun \ˈbə-fət\
Definition #1 of BUFFET
1:  a blow especially with the hand
2:  something that strikes with telling force

Origin of BUFFET
Middle English, from Anglo-French, diminutive of buffe blow
First Known Use: 13th century

buffet verb
: to hit (something) with great force many times

Definition #2 of BUFFET
transitive verb
1:  to strike sharply especially with the hand :  cuff
2:  to strike repeatedly :  batter <the waves buffeted the shore>
3:  to drive, force, move, or attack by or as if by repeated blows
intransitive verb
:  to make one's way especially under difficult conditions
 See buffet defined for English-language learners »

Examples of BUFFET
The strong winds buffeted the ship.
<fierce winds buffeted the small sailboat>

First Known Use of BUFFET
13th century

buf·fet noun \(ˌ)bə-ˈfā, bü-ˈ, British especially ˈbü-ˌ\
Definition #3 of BUFFET
1:  sideboard
2 a :  a counter for refreshments
   b chiefly British :  a restaurant operated as a public convenience (as in a railway station)
   c :  a meal set out on a buffet or table for ready access and informal service

Origin of BUFFET

First Known Use: 

buf·fet adjective \same as 3\
Definition #4 of BUFFET
:  served informally (as from a buffet)

First Known Use of BUFFET

Ok.  Why would anyone hate a word such as Buffet?  Who doesn't love a good buffet with food steaming hot and the desserts piled high?  Well, that type of buffet I love! It is the pronunciation of the first few definitions that bug me.

Buf-Fet - to Buf-Fet or Buf-Feting is just an irritating sound to me as apposed to the French version of Buffet (Buffae).  This is unusual too since I would prefer the literal sound of a word over that of a word derived from another language entirely.

I dislike driving down the road and being buffeted by the wind to the degree I have to manhandle the steering wheel to stay between the lines.  I dislike the feeling of being buffeted when facing extreme stress and difficulties.  I would much rather slide up to a buffet and get a nice helping of roast beef and potatoes... Then return for some more!

Buffet. (n.d.). Retrieved January 7, 2014, from

Monday, January 6, 2014


Today's Word I Hate To Say is Twerk!

Come on...  You knew I had to do this one since it is now an accepted word in +Words with Friends and in the Oxford Dictionary!  Thank you +Miley Cyrus ... NOT!

Oxford Dictionary - Twerk
Syllabification: (twerk)
Pronunciation: /twərk/

[no object] informal
1: dance to popular music in a sexually provocative manner involving thrusting hip movements and 2:a low, squatting stance:

just wait till they catch their daughters twerking to this song
twerk it girl, work it girl

1990s: probably an alteration of work

Urban Dictionary - Twerk
The rhythmic gyrating of the lower fleshy extremities in a lascivious manner with the intent to elicit sexual arousal or laughter in ones intended audience
Hey Girl, lets Twerk on the dance floor.

Tweets about Twerking vs Syria

#Twerk or #Twerking... These words give me a painful flashback to the 90's craze #Ebonics! I remember hearing, when I was younger, that California was actually considering teaching Ebonics in schools as a legitimate 2nd language.  Twerk is like the last hurrah of a 25 year hangover!

Twerking made its mark on the world through the viral resource of +YouTube.  Sadly, as most disturbing viral video trends go, this one caught on and was thrust (maybe a bad choice of words) upon us all by the increasingly odd behavior of Ms +Miley Cyrus.  It is my professional opinion that Billy Ray Cyrus should have spent more time spanking her rebellious butt that getting nude with her for photo shoots and being #BFFs.

But I digress! I am tired of hearing the word(s), I am tired of seeing the word(s), and I am tired of all the attention Miley Cyrus is getting over her skinny butt's attempt at being cool/sexual/disgusting/etc.

twerk. (n.d.) Oxford Oxford University Press. Retrieved January 5, 2014, from

twerk. (n.d.) Urban Retrieved January 5, 2014, from  +Urban Dictionary TV 

Watercutter, A. (September 18, 2013)  Yes, We’ve Been Talking a Lot More About Twerking Than Syria on Twitter. Retrieved January 9, 2014, from

Saturday, January 4, 2014


Today's Word I Hate To Say is Scruple!

Merriam-Webster Dictionary - Scruple
scru·ple noun \ˈskrü-pəl\

Definition #1 of SCRUPLE (noun)
1:  a unit of capacity equal to 1⁄24 Apothecaries' ounce — see weight table
2:  a minute part or quantity :  iota

Origin of SCRUPLE
Middle English scrupil, scriple, from Anglo-French scruple, from Latin scrupulus a unit of weight, diminutive of scrupus sharp stone
First Known Use: 14th century

Definition #2 of SCRUPLE (noun)
1:  an ethical consideration or principle that inhibits action
2:  the quality or state of being scrupulous
3:  mental reservation

Origin of SCRUPLE
Middle English scripil, scrupill, from Anglo-French scruble, from Latin scrupulus, diminutive of scrupus source of uneasiness, literally, sharp stone
First Known Use: 15th century

Definition #3 of SCRUPLE (intransitive verb)
: to be unwilling to do something because you think it is improper, morally wrong, etc.
1:  to have scruples
2:  to show reluctance on grounds of conscience :  hesitate
First Known Use of SCRUPLE - 1627

short ton
20 short hundredweight, 2000 pounds0.907 metric ton
long ton
20 long hundredweight, 2240 pounds1.016 metric ton
short hundredweight100 pounds, 0.05 short tons45.359 kilograms
long hundredweight112 pounds, 0.05 long ton50.802 kilograms
poundlb or lb avdp
also #
16 ounces, 7000 grains0.454 kilogram
ounceoz or oz avdp16 drams, 437.5 grains, 0.0625 pound28.350 grams
dramdr or dr avdp27.344 grains, 0.0625 ounce1.772 grams
graingr0.037 dram, 0.002286 ounce0.0648 gram
poundlb t12 ounces, 240 pennyweight, 5760 grains0.373 kilogram
ounceoz t20 pennyweight, 480 grains, 0.083 pound31.103 grams
pennyweightdwt also pwt24 grains, 0.05 ounce1.555 grams
graingr0.042 pennyweight, 0.002083 ounce0.0648 gram
poundlb ap12 ounces, 5760 grains0.373 kilogram
ounceoz ap8 drams, 480 grains, 0.083 pound31.103 grams
dramdr ap3 scruples, 60 grains3.888 grams
scruples ap20 grains, 0.333 dram1.296 grams
graingr0.05 scruple, 0.002083 ounce, 0.0166 dram0.0648 gram
U.S. liquid measure
gallongal4 quarts (231 cubic inches)3.785 liters
quartqt2 pints (57.75 cubic inches)0.946 liter
pintpt4 gills (28.875 cubic inches473.176 milliliters
gillgi4 fluid ounces (7.219 cubic inches)118.294 milliliters
fluid ouncefl oz8 fluid drams (1.805) cub inches)29.573 milliliters
fluid dramfl dr60 minims (0.226 cubic inch)3.697 milliliters
minimmin1/60 fluid dram (0.003760 cubic inch)0.061610 milliliter
U.S. dry measure
bushelbu4 pecks (2150.42 cubic inches)35.239 liters
peckpk8 quarts (537.605 cubic inches)8.810 liters
quartqt2 pints (67.201 cubic inches)1.101 liters
pintpt½ quart (33.600 cubic inches)0.551 liter
British imperial liquid and dry measure
bushelbu4 pecks (2219.36 cubic inches)36.369 liters
peckpk2 gallons (554.84 cubic inches)9.092 liters
gallongal4 quarts (277.420 cubic inches)4.546 liters
quartqt2 pints (69.355 cubic inches)1.136 liters
pintpt4 gills (34.678 cubic inches)568.26 milliliters
gillgi5 fluid ounces (8.669 cubic inches)142.066 milliliters
fluid ouncefl oz8 fluid drams (1.7339 cubic inches)28.412 milliliters
fluid dramfl dr60 minims (0.216734 cubic inch)3.5516 milliliters
minimmin1/60 fluid dram (0.003612 cubic inch)0.059194 milliliter
milemi5280 feet, 1760 yards, 320 rods1.609 kilometers
rodrd5.50 yards, 16.5 feet5.029 meters
yardyd3 feet, 36 inches0.9144 meter
footft or '12 inches, 0.333 yard30.48 centimeters
inchin or "0.083 foot, 0.028 yard2.54 centimeters
square milesq mi or mi2640 acres, 102,400 square rods2.590 square kilometers
acre4840 square yards, 43,560 square feet0.405 hectare, 4047 square meters
square rodsq rd or rd230.25 square yards, 0.00625 acre25.293 square meters
square yardsq yd or yd21296 square inches, 9 square feet0.836 square meter
square footsq ft or ft2144 square inches, 0.111 square yard0.093 square meter
square inchsq in or in20.0069 square foot, 0.00077 square yard6.452 square centimeters
cubic yardcu yd or yd327 cubic feet, 46,656 cubic inches0.765 cubic meter
cubic footcu ft or ft31728 cubic inches, 0.0370 cubic yard0.028 cubic meter
cubic inchcu in or in30.00058 cubic foot, 0.000021 cubic yard16.387 cubic centimeters

Ok, Ok... enough of the educational stuff for a minute and let's get to the point of why I hate to say this word!

Scruple, Scruples, Scrupulous, and any other variation of this word rubs me the wrong way.  It is likely the reason for my irritation has nothing to do with the first definition at all, but rather the implied meanings within the 2nd and 3rd definitions.

Maybe it is the "man" inside that wants to rise up to any challenge, or just the person who wants to be seen and ready for anything that dislikes this word.  The idea that someone would say I had no scruples would make me want to rise up to prove them wrong.  Something like - "Don't you talk about my momma," or "I know you didn't just say that" comes to mind.

For now, I would like to address the word scruple from definition #1 - (a unit of capacity equal to 1⁄24 Apothecaries' ounce).  It seems to me that if you compare a scruple to something like a mustard seed, you could develop a great parable like that of the Biblical story of Faith like a Mustard Seed.   Such a small thing is a mustard seed, yet with only a small amount of faith you can move mountains.  So, to put this into modern day perspective, having faith the size of a scruple, you can accomplish great things!

Well, there you go... a positive ending to a Word I Hate To Say!

Scruple. (n.d.). Retrieved January 4, 2014, from

Friday, January 3, 2014


Today's Word I Hate To Say is Parabola!

Merriam-Webster Dictionary - Parabola
pa·rab·o·la noun \pə-ˈra-bə-lə\
: a curve that is shaped like the path of something that is thrown forward and high in the air and falls back to the ground

1:  a plane curve generated by a point moving so that its distance from a fixed point is equal to its distance from a fixed line :  the intersection of a right circular cone with a plane parallel to an element of the cone
2:  something bowl-shaped (as an antenna or microphone reflector)

Illustration of PARABOLA

Origin of PARABOLA
New Latin, from Greek parabolē, literally, comparison
First Known Use: 1579

Welcome back from that long definition!

So today I choose the word Parabola - pronounced Pa-Rab-Ola, not how it is written... Para-Bola!  The reason I chose this word today is because my wife has been working on her college math and has been dealing with parabolas.

This word is irritating to me because of my junior high days.  How many kids have fallen victim to this word at the most awkward time in life, in the most unforgiving place on earth... Middle School?  Either we were asked to read a definition or explain the math process of a parabola or we didn't pay attention when the teacher said the word correctly and then we sounded ignorant, in front of the whole class, by asking what a Para-Bola was!  It is just a cruel word, with nothing but cruel intentions for the unsuspecting pre-teen.

Not that I have ever experienced this issue or anything... Yeah, right!  :)

Parabola. (n.d.). Retrieved January 3, 2014, from

Thursday, January 2, 2014


Today's Word I Hate To Say is Trepidation!

Merriam-Webster Dictionary - Trepidation
trep·i·da·tion noun \ˌtre-pə-ˈdā-shən\
: a feeling of fear that causes you to hesitate because you think something bad or unpleasant is going to happen

1 archaic :  a tremulous motion :  tremor
2 :  a nervous or fearful feeling of uncertain agitation :  apprehension <trepidation about starting a new job>

The word trepidation is a word that brings agitation to me. I really cannot give any good reason for the agitation; however, the frustration remains.  Maybe it is how others use the word, maybe it is has to do with the way it is spelled, but it is like I should Trep-toe through the daisies - it is just unpleasant. LOL

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and learned something about today's Word I Hate To Say!

Trepidation. (n.d.). Retrieved January 2, 2014, from